redoing laundry room

I decided I had it with this ugly room so I just went for it! The laundry room needed a make-over and like most of you, I don't want to spend the money or time on a contractor so I figured I could do a little to help this room out. These are the walls in the laundry room. Ick! They are a minty pukey color!! Hopefully I can make this room a little nicer - since I spend so much time in here! :)


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Anonymous said…
Oh, I love what you've done with your laundry room. The yellow is so nice and bright on the walls. Now I want to know about how you painted your counters in there? You mean you just sprayed them with Kilz? No priming or anything? I would love to do this to my old formica (I'm sure that's what they are) countertops in the kitchen.
That black looks awesome! You've done a great job!
Be a sweetie,
Shelia :0