Mini Sweets for Valentine's Day!

Another simple Valentine's Day Teacher gift. I am new to the whole tutorial thing so I won't bore you with any crazy how to pics because...well's just too easy.

-Miniature Hershey Candy Bars
-heavy card stock (your choice of color,patterns, etc)
-scraping paper (choose your colors again)
-pretzel rod plastic bags (Michaels and Hobby Lobby  carry them)
-any extra little valentine decorations that you might want to add on
-sticky dots or double stick tape

Cut scraping paper to fit candy bars, cut heavy stock paper into strips to fit inside of your pretzel bag. Each of my strips had four or five candy bars. I covered each mini candy bar with a piece of my scraping paper and taped 4 onto each piece of heavy card stock.You could add a sticker on each one at this point. I then slipped them into the plastic pretzel bags and decorated with ribbons and some little hearts I had in my stash! That's it!


What a great idea! I was thinking of having a dinner party for my older out of the nest children and their dates, and was thinking about giving them all a nice big chocolate bar and I could do the same thing with those so they look nice and Valentiney!! Is that a word?? I think I just made up a new Urban word for the dictionary!! lol
Have a great weekend,
Blessings, Nellie
Suzanne said…
That is such a cute little gift! How doesn't love to get cute chocolate?
Suzanne :)