Versatile Award

Michelle gave me this wonderful award today! I will pass this on to some of my new favorites!
The rules are:
Thank the person who gave you this award
Tell us 7 things about yourself
Pass award on to 15 bloggers who you just discovered and love!
Thanks Michelle!
Sharing 7 things about myself....I'll make it quick and painless. Here's my try at it:
I love decorating...any kind
I love art...any kind
I love cookbooks....any kind
I love flowers...any kind
I love baking....any kind
I love ice cream....any kind
I love taking pictures...any kind
Now the biggie! My list of 15 new bloggers (to me) that I adore.
Avril @
Monica @
Angela @
Ok that's only 4 but it gives you some great blogs to check out!
Thanks again Michelle!


Monica H said…
Thank you for passing this award on to me. I appreciate it so much!

Have a great week!

~Monica H
Anonymous said…
I feel so honored that you like my blog!!!:) Thanks so very much for the award! You also have a lovely blog. I will be following!
Avril said…
Oh Thank you!!!! I feel so honored to be given this award...truly I do! :-)