Reindeer Oreos

It's already Friday! Our 8th Week of Christmas Cookies! I am almost embarrassed to post these, but if you knew the wreck of a house I am dealing with this'd forgive me.
Last year a little hurricane named Ike came through here and damaged my roof. I have had my roof replaced, ceilings, walls and windows sanded, sealed and painted. All this week. Friday, all my hardwood floors will be replaced.
Maybe the fumes are getting me loopy but these sweet little reindeers were simple, easy and required no oven. They look a little loopy too :) You've seen them everywhere. They are pretty self explanatory.

Oreos + Chocolate Chips + M&M's + Pretzels , melt chocolate, dip your Oreos and decorate. Go check out Amy @ The Idea Room for her take on these using.....Nutter Butter cookies! I know right?!

Week 8 Twelve Weeks of Christmas:


Lisa said…
This week has been a little hectic for me too so I had to scurry to get my cookies baked today before the sun started to set. I've actually only ever seen the cupcake version of these reindeer but I like your cookie version (less work and no baking). At any rate, they look adorable and I know they taste better than the ones I baked up today.
Trisha said…
I think they look adorable!!! I hope things around u'r house settle down soon. Can't wait to see what u'll make next :)
Anonymous said…
These are so very cute, and with minimal effort too! i love it!
Katrina said…
Those are cute as can be and such a simple fun thing that kids could help make!
How cute - I LOVE them! What a great idea! I'm so glad you shared these : )
Steph said…
These are super super cute!! Hope tings start to calm down, although we are in the busy season of the year :)
Katie Rose said…
At least you are finally getting the work done! Hopefully it will all settle down in time for Thanksgiving next week. I love these cookies, they are super cute and a great idea; something to make when you don't have a lot of time and want to do more than just bring in a box of oreos. Excellant!
Lee Ann said…
This is adorable!! And we all need quick, easy, and adorable recipes! These are great..think I'll put a few in my Christmas baskets this year!
Aww how cute!! I love how simple these are..and so fun! :)
April said…
How cute are these?? Love them!
Heidi said…
I love these! Can't wait to make them with my kids. Oop, I linked twice, so sorry. Feel free to remove one. Happy Thanksgiving!
Avril said…
Mickey, these little oreo treats are just the CUTEST!!! They make me happy, happy to look at! :-)
Sue said…
These are adorable! I love their ease and simplicity too! I've actually thought of using nutter butters also, so I'm going to check out the link:)