Harry Potter

Ok, this post is not about sweets at all, but I really wanted to share this with everyone. My Little Diva is turning fourteen, and she is a HUGE Harry Potter fan. So...for her upcoming birthday we secretly planned a weekend trip to Orlando to visit Universal Studios' Wizarding World of Harry Potter!
I made her an acceptance letter from Hogwarts and we rigged up a white snowy owl to "fly" downstairs on a fishing wire to deliver it to her.
                                        Here he is
                                      Coming in on a fishing wire


into her open arms :)

Here's the letter I made for her - with a Hogsmeade postage    

and a wax seal with an "H" for Hogswarts

and all the info she would need

She loved it. We leave Friday morning but I promise to take pictures of everything we see and eat at The Wizarding World of Harry Potter. It's gonna be awesome!


Jocelyn said…
What a fun surprise!!!! Love how you "told" her!!! You guys are going to love it there. We took our kids last October and I couldn't get over how realistic it looked!!! Can't wait to see pics:-)
Jacqueline said…
What an incredible way to ask her and surprise her. I think she will never forget her owl post. We went last October and just loved it and I have several posts about it and my imitation butterbeer and pumpkin juice. I just did a post on Butterbeer cupcakes - http://purplechocolathome.blogspot.com/2011/09/harry-potters-butterbeer-cupcakes.html
Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! I actually came to tell you I saw your 3 Musketeers bar on pinterest and that it has been repinned something like 420 times! I am going to repin it too and try it soon. Sounds just like some Christmas candy we used to make! Yum. Come visit if you can this week. I am having a hammered copper pot giveaway from Williams Sonoma.