Hunger Games

I am sure there are a few houses on countdown tonight. My Little Diva is besides
herself. She's going to the mid-night showing of The Hunger Games with all her girlfriends. 
I wanted to make her something cute to pass out - cookies always work. I wrapped them and added a little saying from each character. I barely got a picture before she grabbed them and was out the the door slams shut I did hear her say "thanks Mom, I love you". Worth every second :)


Nancy Dynes said…
I absolutely adore your Mockingjay cookies! I'm 49 and am completely addicted to these books. I'm counting the hours until I see the movie. I guess I'll never totally grow up-lol! Thanks for sharing your wonderful creations!
Nancy (
Lorraine said…
These are great! Your daughter must have been thrilled. My daughter convinced me to read the book which I did and really loved it.